Creative and contemporary Dharma, Red Studio doors


Red Ladder Studio brings a uniquely creative and contemporary perspective to the Dharma.

The Dharma cannot transform our lives until we’ve made it our own. We have to breath life into the teachings. Bring them alive with our own breath. This is the art of living a dharma life.

Red Ladder Studio is here to help you make the Dharma real and relevant to your own life.

➤ Join one of our Creative Dharma Memberships

➤ Come along to the online retreats and workshops

➤ Join an in-person residential retreat

➤ Sign up below for the free newsletter The Creative Buddhist.

Fall in love with life again!

Letterbox for the Creative Buddhist Newsletter

From the Creative Buddhist Newsletter

Creative Dharma Memberships

The Dharma Bundle

Vajra and Vajra Bell, image used for the Dharma Bundle

A ‘bundle’ of resources, thoughtfully made, beautifully packaged.

With short, illustrated Dharma videos and audio talks. Audio meditations and reflections. Creative assignments.

Wabi-sabi Workplace

Vajradarshini's desk, co-working for Buddhists

Co-working sessions and workshops for Buddhist freelancers.

With co-working sessions three times a week, weekly workshops and a friendly network to plug into.

Creative Monday Club

Studio for the Creative Monday Club

The creative monday club is a weekly date with your creative self.

We meet on Zoom for a weekly two-hour evening session. Working in silence on our own projects.

Workshops and retreats

Who is red ladder studio? 

Hi, I'm Vajradarshini,

I think I’m in love with life because I’m in love with the Dharma. Yet, I hold lightly to the idea of ‘being a Buddhist’. I love the Dharma because it’s the best way I’ve found of exploring this mystery we call ‘life’. 

I’ve spent many years living in Buddhist communities and retreat centres. But ordinary life is where the magic happens. I now have a creative and vibrant practice in the nitty-gritty of family life, living in Stockholm with my wife and her teenage boys.

These days, my life looks a lot less ‘Buddhist’, but it is absolutely ‘shot through’ with Dharma.

Vajradarshini contemporary Buddhist teacher

From the Digital Dharma Notebook